Is Eagle going to provide quality content?
Just finished up the latest World Cup video and noticed a very distinct trend: On both the chassis and engine, professionals were tuning Eagle.
I understand the why of this: This is a very expensive brand new car with a very expensive brand new engine that runs no-joke ETs and MPH. All this is for Cleet's safety and Eagle's safety.
I can't help but think about all the channel history of racing just to figure it all out. Race car goofin you could call it. Phone-a-friend type support. Figuring out bar angles through trial-and-error. Hot tunes from Pete via email. Zach spending hours laying on hot asphalt figuring out Leroy's clutch. The x.00 curse of every car.
Eagle is Ivan Drago in Rocky IV, clinical, measured, and optimized, and the rest of the fleet is Rocky, punching a cow carcass in a cold barn.
I just wonder if it's going to make for good long term content? I know it will be fast, which will be exciting, but once the car meets its full potential, will it be kind of repetitious for viewers? Will it be more "follow the formula" and less "figure it out"?
Basically, now that the car is built and through its first event, where do you think it'll all go?