Master’s course - does russell group matter?
Hi! I am in my final year of an undergrad at a non russell group uni, am planning on doing an MSc next year, and intend on eventually (hopefully!) getting onto a DClinPsy course. I currently have offers from UCLan (non russell group) and UOL (russell group). My issue at the moment is that I prefer the course UCLan (clinical psych), as the one at UOL is clinical and health psychology and I have little interest in health psychology. Additionally, the course at UCLan has a clinical placement which I feel would be beneficial. As I didn’t go to a russell group for my undergrad, do you think it would be particularly advantageous to go to one for my master’s? Are the admissions team for the doctorate course likely to take this into consideration? It may also be worth noting that UOL is my local university so is the uni I would be applying to for the doctorate (this is also making the decision slightly more difficult as I would have a significantly longer commute to UCLan as I don’t want to move). Any advice is appreciated, thank you for your time :)