Professor was being transphobic to a student, should I say anything to someone?

First two days of spring semester. It’s a gen ed biology class. It was either spring or summer semester for it, so I chose spring. The professor is some guy who clearly doesn’t give a fuck about his job. Very disorganized and hard to understand, as he rushes very quickly and refuses to elaborate. Everyone is confused as hell.

Anyway, there’s a nonbinary student in the class who wanted to be called a certain name, even though their name was different on the attendance list. The professor says he can’t call them by their preferred name because their name is different on the attendance list. The student was like “well it’s my deadname, I prefer if you would call me this name.” Now, obviously, most professors would probably just be like “okay, I will call you what you want.” Instead, the professor continues to call the student by that name for the rest of the class and the next, and was quite rude to them when they refused to answer to the professor. It felt very unprofessional of the professor to continue to refuse to call the student what they wanted to be called, even after clarifying multiple times to him that they did not wish to be called by their deadname.

The lack of respect towards a simple request made me drop the class before the deadline, as I did not want to be in a class with a professor who was clearly not interested in respecting his students. Is this something maybe worth mentioning to people in the school? He’s got horrible reviews for other disrespectful incidents and horrible teaching practices on rate my professor, so maybe the school doesn’t care.