Was going to buy the Fire & Steel pack...

But after a few games against the stuka loiter, I swear to GOD. If the stuka loiter ain't nerfed this 2.0 patch. I won't buy this BG DLC. I will uninstall and be done with this fucking game.

Im killing my enemies so hard in games, got vet units, wiping units, and then the fucking stuka loiter comes, and it just keeps on coming. And then it just snowballs.

I lose because one disgusting ability. Which does massive supression (in comparison with the p-47 loiter. It does significantly more dmg than p-47 and it also FUCKING DOES DAMAGE TO HEAVY VEHICLES. A 20mm cannon, kills shermans.

Relic, you better fucking read this and do something about it. Because this post got $25 on the line.