BAYLEN, the haymaker midranged cedh take on the list
With the new shinny toy out, I wanted to see if the deck had cedh potential. The deck utilizes a dockside emiel + pod combo as it's core then takes advantage general midranged staples.
With this list I don't know what's optimal when it comes to utilizing Baylen's token gimmick. So, I'm playing as many cedh level token makers as possible. Is it good enough, we'll in theory naya midranged biggest issue is it's draw power, so this is a sudo solution to it.
The list took a lot of inspiration to a metapod list and other similar strategies. I am unaware of the relaventcy of rol, null, orb like cards in the deck. In theory they are fine if the commander is out. However, I hate building with that ideology because it creates different choke points for you if it gets removed.
The deck on paper should just work fine. Is it better then other options? Maybe
Just being able to be a dockside emiel shell is naturally really powerful and would probably push it over the edge compared to or naya strategies. I am also not a fan of heavily linear commander focused decks.
If anyone has any takes to make it better or disagree with the list. I'm happy to discuss.