Concert Etiquette
Is there such a thing anymore ? I’m over 50 and have been going to concerts my entire life. During my teen and college years it wasn’t unusual for me to go to at least one concert a week, or more, especially in summer. We went to have fun and listen to the music. We weren’t silent by any means. We talked some and definitely sang along to music and danced. If we wanted to carry on a full conversation we got up and went out to the concession area or bar or top of the lawn away from those who were enjoying the show. Apparently that isn’t the case any more? Last night my husband and I went to a small venue to see Stephen Wilson Jr. It was a sold out show and packed so I expected there to be some chatter. However, so many people just carried on complete conversations at full volume during the entire show. I had such a hard time tuning out other people’s talking and really locking in on his performance. Which was awesome. I hate to sound like some sort old stick in the mud. Maybe I just need to realize things have changed ? I have been to a lot of other shows the last few years but none have been as bad as this in terms of people not really even watching the show. If I pay good money for a concert ticket I’m there to get the full experience. I can chit chat at the bar down the street after the show.