We Should Stop Hating the LGBTQ+ Community
The LGBTQ+ community doesn't deserve this much hate. It's not our place to care about other people's lives, it's their life and their decision. Imagine waking up one morning and finding your gender swapped. If you're a man and woke up as a woman, would you still want to marry a man? Probably not, you'd likely want to marry a woman. Or if you're a woman who woke up as a man, you'd still likely want to marry a man because your feelings haven't changed. That's how I try to understand their feelings. Just mind your own business and try to understand them.
I used to be a hater. I had a classmate in the LGBTQ+ community, and because of where they sat, my friends mocked me and warned me to be careful. I ignored them and joined in on the mocking, but they were honestly the kindest person I've ever met. Now, I feel terrible about it. The guilt is eating me up. If I ever get a chance to meet them again, I hope we can be great friends. This is for you, my friend. I'm sorry.
I just needed to get this off my chest.