Women should have access to abortion and that should be their right!
I know I’m going to be attacked on this but whatever….
Yes I do believe that a woman should have a right as a woman to have access to abortion.I don’t care what your religious standpoint on abortion is calling it murder and stuff like that.I really don’t understand why people give the person who isn’t born yet,has not come to existence yet more rights than the woman who actually exists and has actual rights.Not to mention we have too many women being raped and sexually assaulted and giving birth to babies,which is the most horrible thing I think a woman can do is give birth to a being that was the offspring of someone who raped or sexually assaulted her.Sl
Studies have been done and in Texas (which is where I am) had 26 thousand rape victims who gotten pregnant since the abortion ban was placed into action.Another study was done throughout these states in America that did have abortion bans and the study of rape caused pregnancies estimated to 65,000.Like what?!That is crazy and insane!
These men specifically men on the far right are always telling women they should carry the child to term regardless if they get raped.Which I think is the cruelest thing you could tell a woman who experienced that and has to carry the consequences of the actions that her rapist committed.They say stuff like “We’re not telling women what to do with their bodies…” YES!YOU ARE!You’re telling women they shouldn’t get abortions bc you think it’s bad.Ok well not everyone thinks like you.I honestly think the reason why we have this abortion ban now is bc of stupid fucking beliefs who don’t even matter.The system has put beliefs over what actually matters which is what kills me about certain people🙄
Trump and everyone on the right says “Oh you can get an abortion if you’ve been raped…” No you can’t!If you look it up especially in Texas the bill in Texas will not allow abortions that were committed by rape or sexual assault!So do us all a mother fucking favor and quit lying to us!The only way to get an abortion in this day and time is if your life is in emergencies.The one thing that really just makes my eyes roll is when people are like “Women are getting these abortions is bc they’re just sleeping around and just killing babies after babies…” First of all not all women are getting abortions bc of it,so please try to educate yourself and get a little smarter and realize what you’re saying there is just making a dumb generalization of women who get abortions.Not all women are as promiscuous as you make them out to be.Women get abortions when they’re not ready to have children,or have abortions to save their life from death,or have abortions after the fact they’ve been raped or sexually assaulted.
Their solution is “If you don’t want the baby just put them up for adoption.” Sending a kid you do not want to an Orphanage is not always the best idea have you mind.Yes it’s a solution,but if all women had to do that I think we would in the future see an over population problem.Plus some kids don’t do well in the system,some of the them believe it or not don’t even know who their real mom or dad is and grow up their entire life not knowing the love of a mother or father.Plus the saddest thing is not every child gets adopted believe it or not,they don’t.Then when that unadopted child doesn’t get adopted he is kicked out of the system and is just thrown out to the world expecting to do everything themselves and still grow up in a world without the help of their parents!I think that is the saddest thing a child can ever experience.You can hope that child gets adopted by loving parents,but not every child is so lucky.So remember that.
So just remember all the people who created or wanted these abortion ban laws just remember,these assaults and rape incidents are happening bc of you.I hope you realize that and really think your beliefs in this subject is actually making a good difference in our society bc I see nothing but bad.