One Rice to Rule Them All
Sorry for the cheesy title
What rice variety would you say is the most versatile? My kitchen has pretty limited storage, so I only have room for one large rice container. Therefore, I'd like to know what you guys think the best variety to buy that will cover the widest recipe range. So rice that's good for stir-fries, basic side dish to accompany a main (ie. chicken and rice), baked rice dish, pilafs, etc...I'm leaving out risotto and Japanese rice dishes since I know those require specialty rices.
I currently use the generic enriched long-grain rice (the kind you get store-brand for like $1.50 a pound), but I find that it doesn't reheat well. Since I would like to use this rice for work lunches, a variety that doesn't get as crunchy and dry on microwaving would be a bonus. And yes, I do sprinkle water on it before microwaving, but this rice still comes out dry.