Just had an argument with my sister about washing ground beef
Honestly no idea what to think lol. Was making meatballs/ am making and we had a mini fight over whether or not I washed the meat (I didn’t because that’s extra work to cleanup and for little to no benefit.) but it was a whole thing and she’s probably not going to eat it now because of it sigh.
I’m wondering if it’s just a Jamaican thing tbh. Never saw the sense in washing chicken either. If it’s something you’re not gonna cook all the way through like steak (though the temp it reaches should be enough to kill off bacteria) I’d understand. But when I make meatballs I always make sure they’re cooked right through.
Update: she refused to eat it just like I thought. Again oh well more for me. And with that I’m signing off folks. In terms of how it tasted. Good. Actually much juicier than ever before. Just adding way too little salt and too much garlic. Fortunately the marinara sauce balanced it out.
Edit 2: Said I was going to leave this alone but nope had the same argument with my father so definitely not just my sister. Seriously if heat is good enough for the sterilisation of things that are literally cutting you open why not food? If the toxins produced are so great it’s gonna cause problems toss it. Deaths and severe illness from food borne illnesses greatly decreased once the food safety measure of cooking food to x temperature was introduced. I’m tempted to do a little science experiment. Make good but don’t tell them the meat was unwashed till days after. Cause this is plain ridiculous.