[WaT] Who claimed ______ ?
I think that the one who claimed Dalinar was Endowment.
WoB stating it's possible for someone not from Nalthis to be Returned: https://wob.coppermind.net/events/147/#e2768
Refresher on how Returned come about:
- Endowment gives someone a vision from the Spiritual Realm and the future.
- They are then given the choice to be Returned to change that future.
- They have no memories of their past.
- They are allegedly chosen for heroic deeds.
- They remember all of their skills from the past.
Support of Endowment:
- Endowment says she has a plan to deal with Odium.
- Endowment has a few "agents" currently running amok on Roshar, so she knows about it.
- She would be very good at creating Cognitive Shadows, something Taravangian is just learning.
In short, I think she swooped in and snagged Dalinar to make him a Returned before Taravangian could tear his soul apart. She wouldn't want to see someone like Dalinar ruined in this way. Her nebulous "plans" could easily involve bringing one of the strongest warriors from Roshar back to face him again at a later time. Who better than someone familiar with war a grand scale, someone familiar with the Spiritual Realm, someone who has held a Shard... Seems like quite the ace in the hole if you ask me.