Cooldown of sex life

Tried posting this earlier but for some reason it disappeared. Strange.

So, as I’ve mentioned in previous posts, my girlfriend and I started as a casual Tinder hookup.  We’ve gone well past that at this point, we’ve been together for two years and we are pregnant, and we have even discussed marriage possibilities.  But, as you might imagine of a relationship that started like that, it is and has always been quite sexual, and we’ve had sex almost every day since I moved in with her last summer.  Well lately, with the pregnancy and all, there definitely seems to be a bit of a slowdown in that department.  She has less energy at the end of the day, so we’re missing days more often, and our sessions when we do have gotten a little shorter at times.

Now all this is perfectly fine on my side.  I knew this would happen, we had an awesome and very long honeymoon phase but I knew it’d come to an end, and I love spending any time I can with her, so I don’t feel bad about it nor does it give me any second thoughts about anything at all. If anything she has a higher sex drive than I do, so this is not really that big a deal to me.  The concern I’ve had lately is more on her side of things. I think she feels bad for the cooling down of our sex life.  It seems like sometimes she feels obligated to keep things at the level that it’s always been and not be the reason why things slow down for us.

I have told her multiple times that I do not “need” sex to enjoy an evening with her and that she should feel zero pressure from me for it.  I am not a sex addict to my knowledge, I am never unhappy or disappointed on nights when we don’t, and again it’s not like this was unexpected, we both knew this would happen as the pregnancy goes on.  But she still seems to be pressuring herself to keep up with it.

At the same time, I can understand that she doesn’t want it to be one sided either. She doesn’t want it to be a situation where it’s always up to her, and if she’s not in the mood she’s the killjoy who’s pouring water on our sex life.

I’m doing everything I can to assure her that’s not the case, that I really truly honestly am perfectly fine with spending nonsexual evenings with her, just watching a movie or tv or even just cuddling and talking, all 100% perfectly fine with me.  I love listening to her talk, and she knows that.  But it seems like she’s putting pressure on herself to keep the heat going.  Not sure what to do about that.

I wonder, is this kind of thing something that is made worse because of the age gap, or is this something that all pregnant women experience?  I’m really hoping she doesn’t think she has to maintain our sex life just to “keep” me or something and I’m doing everything I can to assure her that’s far from the case, so not entirely sure where all this is coming from