What would make Craft perfect (at least to me)
This in no way is to say craft isn't amazing, its my favorite app for task management, note taking and having my life together in almost one place. I really love craft and the team are incredible along with the community
1. Web Clipper
I think it's pretty obvious this would be one of the best additions to the app, evernote has an almost perfect web clipper which yet is still to be beaten. I think this is a great opportunity for craft to make something even better and more modern.
2. More whiteboard features
An all in one unlimited board where you can just do anything, sketch, draw, do mindmaps, moodboard, collaborate, link notes etc. I've looked at a bunch of apps like Miro, Whimsical, Obsidian Canvas etc and they are so superior to the simple craft whiteboard where it (kinda) seems a bit pointless right now
3. Tags!!!
Probably the most asked for feature, we (sorta) have tags with the new collections but tagging is just a must for an app like this. And it honestly really is annoying seeing how many times this question has been asked with a response thats "never say never" or "its coming" when its been such a long time for something thats the number one requested feature unlike others