Needing help and advice!
Hello everyone! I first off want to state that the crayfish in the picture is not mine I got it from google for an example.
Currently I work at Pet Supplies Plus, and I can say our animal care is decently good, I do my personal best for them due to owning most of the species in the past, but anyways, at work we have an electric blue crayfish who has been there for MONTHS since before I started working there just to set an example, and I’ve taken an interest into him, I’m the only one at work that will feed him anything besides fish flakes, which I know he can’t get unless it’s unseen by the glofish tiger barbs, what I mainly give him is half an algae wafer, I’m not really sure what else to feed him as we don’t really have crayfish food, I’m thinking about getting him as a pet and was wondering the basic care because google never gives a straight forward answer, right now I have two 20 gallon long tanks, one houses Tiger barbs, and bronze corydoras, with some bladder snails and 2 mystery snails, (my corydoras are still small so the 20 is fine for now but will be upgraded as they grow, same for Tiger barbs) in my second tank I have 4 mollys I use for breeding, currently have 7 babies!! They are in a breeder box separate from all the rest of the tank mates, then I have also some julii corydoras, an adult mystery snail, 2 bladder snails(I’m aware they’ll reproduce) and baby ramshorn snails in the tank aswell, what I was planning on doing was getting him a 20 gallon long to himself with a sponge filter, heater, and sand (if it’s okay for him), as for tank mates would shrimp be okay? I wanna try to have an all invertebrate tank, snails not included, also planted if I can if not I’ll use really good silk plants til I can replace each with live, what would his diet need to be? The best recommended kind of food preferably,
Hello everyone! I first off want to state that the crayfish in the picture is not mine I got it from google for an example.
Currently I work at Pet Supplies Plus, and I can say our animal care is decently good, I do my personal best for them due to owning most of the species in the past, but anyways, at work we have an electric blue crayfish who has been there for MONTHS since before I started working there just to set an example, and I’ve taken an interest into him, I’m the only one at work that will feed him anything besides fish flakes, which I know he can’t get unless it’s unseen by the glofish tiger barbs, what I mainly give him is half an algae wafer, I’m not really sure what else to feed him as we don’t really have crayfish food, I’m thinking about getting him as a pet and was wondering the basic care because google never gives a straight forward answer, right now I have two 20 gallon long tanks, one houses Tiger barbs, and bronze corydoras, with some bladder snails and 2 mystery snails, (my corydoras are still small so the 20 is fine for now but will be upgraded as they grow, same for Tiger barbs) in my second tank I have 4 mollys I use for breeding, currently have 7 babies!! They are in a breeder box separate from all the rest of the tank mates, then I have also some julii corydoras, an adult mystery snail, 2 bladder snails(I’m aware they’ll reproduce) and baby ramshorn snails in the tank aswell, what I was planning on doing was getting him a 20 gallon long to himself with a sponge filter, heater, and sand (if it’s okay for him), as for tank mates would shrimp be okay? I wanna try to have an all invertebrate tank, snails not included, also planted if I can if not I’ll use really good silk plants til I can replace each with live, what would his diet need to be? The best recommended kind of food preferably,