Mexican Dwarf Crayfish in a 75?
I currently have my dwarf crayfish in a 5.5 gallon, but there's a betta I desperately want.
I have a 75 gallon, there's hiding spots, cover, and such, but I need to know if he'd be okay in there.
Stocking is;
x1 Angelfish x10 Emperor Tetras x14 Ember Tetras x6 Zebra Danios x4 Honey Gouramis (Will be moved to my 20 gallon when it's available) x8 Black kuhli loaches x2 Dwarf kuhli loaches (looking for more to get them a bigger group) x8 Panda corydoras x1 Small Bristlenose Pleco A substantial amount of large Amano shrimp
Will he cause trouble/will he get in trouble? As much as I want this betta, I don't want to put my crayfish in a bad situation.
Photos of the 75 attached; it isn't usually that cloudy! That was following a rescape.