They did ABD dirty
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\nI also won zero trophies with RCB, no one mentioned \ud83d\ude14
\n"You won zero trophies with RCB" - there you go
\nBro , you and Virat have same number of trophy as captain \ud83d\udc7a in ipl
\nNah I have district level trophy as a captain
\nOh than you are ahead of vk
\nIs it under 19 or senior level ? It will decide you are equal or ahead
\nUnder 19
\n\nOfcourse VK has U-19 World Cup as a captain, mai fan hi theek hu, comparison hi nahi unke saath \ud83d\uded0
\nBro , then you are equal, you don't want to accept your greatness then don't ,I will accept you are great
\nSadly the test mace exists to ruin this stat
\n"Maybe someone from CSK"
\nwon 0 trophies with South Africa as well
\nHe has 3 test maces with south africa
\nWon 0 with South Africa? They forget that?
\n*O trophies anywhere
\nImagine doing this with Virat Kohli \ud83d\ude02\nThey would launch mass attacks \ud83d\ude02
\nMissiles bro.
\nYupp UK has pretty accurate missiles \ud83d\ude4a
\nForget RCB. I have won 0 trophies with MI and CSK. Can you beat that?
\nChoking is the major reason, not luck.
\nSo he did not even won Mickey Mouse T20 franchise tournament.
\nTopper and unemployed BSc graduate lecturing Engineering students to become successful engineers.
\nWoah I almost fell for that. (The edit is so real)
\nLoser kahi ka\u2026