[WIP] “Two Gerbils”
(Previous post got removed, reposting without my band-drawn charts)
I’m really happy with how this one is turning out! (It’s based on an inside joke between my husband and youngest son, from his favorite library book.)
It’s all (very slowly) self-drafted, except for the cross-stitched calligraphy font that’s from the book “Alphabets Galore.”
I spent SO MUCH time graphing and counting fonts, and am finally ALMOST done with this one. (I just plan to thicken up some of the outlining on the gerbils to get more of a hand-drawn look.)
How do you deal with finishing something a month before a birthday and not being able to show it around yet? 😭😭😭
(Previous post got removed, reposting without my band-drawn charts)
I’m really happy with how this one is turning out! (It’s based on an inside joke between my husband and youngest son, from his favorite library book.)
It’s all (very slowly) self-drafted, except for the cross-stitched calligraphy font that’s from the book “Alphabets Galore.”
I spent SO MUCH time graphing and counting fonts, and am finally ALMOST done with this one. (I just plan to thicken up some of the outlining on the gerbils to get more of a hand-drawn look.)
How do you deal with finishing something a month before a birthday and not being able to show it around yet? 😭😭😭