[CHAT] Designers of reddit.......HELP PLEASE

90% of all my projects have always been for someone else so when I received a $5 voucher from Michael's Rewards I decided to treat myself with a small kit. There is just one problem, while I LOVE the design, I HATE the color scheme.

As you can see by the pictures the primary colors are pink, lt. pink, peach and tan. I would love to change them to colors from an ocean color palette.

My problem (and where y'all come in) is I suck at color coordination. Since I can't share the pattern, just the color chart and a picture of the finished design I am including a list of each shell and the colors used in them. The cockle shell is peach, lt. pink, and white. The spiral shell is tan and white. The starfish is pink, peach, brown and white. The clam is white, lt. pink and brown. The coquina shell is white, pink, lt. pink, peach, and brown.

Would someone be willing to look at the design and the color chart and give me a new color scheme for the design? Thank you in advance to anyone willing to help.


