Character Permanently Banned for WRONG reason. Appeal sent, FAQ read about appeal and no restoration of bot.
So this has become fun, notice the enthusiastic sarcasm~? I created a character and uploaded it, my very first requested bot, and I wake up to find it's permanently banned, and the reason for the ban? You believe the image was of a "Real Person". Isn't technology so fun and advanced~? Well, take a tiny guess what my issue is? Maybe it's the fact that the image was actually, oh I don't know, a 3D Model of a character I had to scale down some and put a pink effect over the image as a theme to the bot I was making? I even have a link to Rule34 I can and have provided. And I looked in the fun little FAQ and it's said Appeals, which allow me to inform you can't be found through the App, aren't gaurenteed to work, and the bot WILL NOT be restored, so if you are one of those people, like me, who put a lot of actual time and effort into your bots Personality and such, well, say bye-bye to all of that wasted time. Oh how fun, isn't it~?
This is going to be a warning to bot creators on CrushOn.AI, if you make even the slightest perceived screw up, your efforts are gone. Have fun~