Should I look for a new job?

So, I started a new CSM role on the 10th of February. This is my first time officially in a CSM role, so perhaps this is how it is, but I must say that I have a few concerns already about the company I’m working for.

Upon arriving in my first day, and after a quick 30 minute meeting with HR, meeting my manager, and receiving my work laptop - I realised that there was absolutely no onboarding or training prepared for my arrival. At all. It was up to me to reach out to my colleagues and effectively ask how I can best get up to speed with the demands of the role. So I have effectively been shadowing a couple of my colleagues as they work, and have been given a few self-study materials to work through.

Thing is, I am working in the German “department/team”. There are only 3 of us (including me) who can do the role in German and communicate with our DE market, so the other 2 members of our little team are currently extremely stressed, overworked and understaffed. They are almost always in a bad mood, and I don’t really feel as though I can ask many questions as they are always pre-occupied. They have already started to assign work to me, but they aren’t being particularly patient with me either, and I feel stressed and rushed a lot too, because they are. And they’re probably frustrated that I can’t properly help them out yet, and that they are having to train me whilst already overwhelmed. So it’s probably a bit frustrating for all of us.

Then, during wider-market team meetings/events/calls, every get-together turns into a huge bitch fest about our manager, the work and the company. And it’s naturally a bit demoralising to be hearing that stuff every day when you’re so new.

In fairness though… The manager is often berating others for signing in late, etc, but she does exactly that frequently. There was also a Spanish CSM who was visibly very ill last week, and was told she still had to come into the office. Also - Ever since I’ve joined, except for on my first day, my manager and I have not had a single 1-1 meeting. We seldom communicate directly and many things also weren’t set up properly for me and I had to ask colleagues and IT for assistance.

So I’m just wondering… is it worth staying in a position like this? Should I really be looking to find something else ASAP after all of the red flags I’m currently seeing?

It’s for a very large, well-known company so of course looks good on my CV if I stick it out for a while. Also, the job market is notoriously difficult right now.

Just wondering what people’s thoughts are, or if anybody else has experienced anything similar, and how it turned out.

Im sure there are other things I’ve forgotten, but I’m currently on my lunch break and I’m genuinely considering my options right now. I have never seen or experienced anything like this in the workplace before.