In what magical ways would super wealthy characters protect themselves from assassins and robbers in a high magic setting?
(as a note: this is purely for worldbuilding so far - the players have no goal to murder such a noble described in the post.)
The city is essentially a giant hub for all the wealthy and famous artists, business fat cats etc. with their entire estates. The wealthy VIPs themselves however are just your run-of-the-mill Noble-statblock with 9HP that would easily die to a sneak attack from your run-of-the-mill Assassin-statblock.
I wonder in what magical ways (besides your usual guards and locked doors) do they not only protect their estate from robbers, but more particularly from assassins when they're traveling.
What I've come up with so far
- Wearing an Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location seems like a non-brainer for someone who does not want to be found.
- Abjuration Magic like a permanent Guards And Wards and permanent Private Sanctum on their estate also seems obvious.
- Him carrying a Weapon of Warning could also be a given.
Protection while traveling
That's what I'm struggling with the most right now.
I'm sure he would definitely have a personal cleric that could at least Revivify lest not ressurrect him when he dies but I'm thinking of ways where even an undected crossbow shot wouldn't even be able to reach him.
Be it because it got detected somehow before it gets fired or a contigency plan when a shot is fired at the noble. I did think of a Contingency-spell like effect that just blinks the Noble out of existance that would cause the Bolt to miss that works maybe once or twice a day.
A different idea would be a "Panic Button"-Teleport that would teleport the noble and some of his guards to his personal Panic Room.
But I'm not sure how reasonable these things are and if there are more elegant and maybe also official solutions to this.
What are your suggestions?