700 mg report
At 4 pm I took 725 mg of diphenhydramine and smoked a cigarette. From there I went to bed to watch YouTube and wait for the effects. I felt strongly sedated and my mouth was very dry, where I had trouble swallowing. Out of nowhere the wall seemed to melt or move. A sign I have hanging on the wall began to slowly move to the left as if it were alive. Out of nowhere the hallucinations began. In bed I saw a strange box of matches that I tried to take and it disappeared, a short time later I saw a bill that also disappeared. When I looked at a black leather chair, I started to look at a cell phone that disappeared and what looked like a very ugly ashtray with trash. When I tried to examine it, hundreds of small spiders came out and disappeared. That same ashtray was present for quite a while and did not disappear when I blinked or tried to touch it, but it was intangible. When I looked at the bed, sometimes stick insects crawled out of it, as if it were made of dirt. When I looked at my arms, they were too dark, as if they belonged to a black person, and when I looked at my fingers, the tips of them had hairs similar to those in the Spiderman movie.
I decided to make a titanic effort to get out of bed and go out into the street, which lessened my sedation and made me think that I was coming down from the effect. When I walked, everything seemed fine, but out of nowhere I saw a young man of about 20 years old who looked familiar to me, when he shouted at me "I saw you, damn Luis." Scared, I turned 180 degrees backwards, thinking that maybe it was real, because he looked like some neighbors I had had for a long time in that place. There was no one.
I continued walking, and in the bushes, a very unusual place, I managed to see very close to me a man of about 70 years old with jeans and a shirt who was smoking, only to see how he slowly faded away, becoming more and more transparent until he disappeared. Then I continued walking and they shouted my name and shouted "COME." I heard a conversation between teenagers in a vacant lot that is used to park cars, a very unusual place. I made the last turn around the block and returned to the house. I went up to the room and on the curtains I saw the shadow of someone moving, as if they were trying to get in through the window. When I closed my eyes, out of nowhere I felt like I was smoking some cigarettes, only to see that halfway through they were untouchable and they vanished, which caused me a slight frustration because I felt like I was wasting cigarettes. My cat got in through the window, but this action could have been real since sometimes it does this in real life. Besides hearing my name, I heard my mother's voice, who i knew she was outside , and the voice of an aunt, who did not live in the house but often visits me and my mother.