Why Number of thread membres IS very low

I noticed that there is only one Big DSPD thread and it has less than 20k membres with much less active one's and I'm wondering why ? If u tell me it's bcz it's not as widespread as other disorders then check BPD, both are as much widespread with 1 % and u'le find it has two threads one with 300k and other with 100k, sadly symptoms of DSPD are harder from my personal exp having both of them . THIS way I don't see any efforts would be put in this disorder by researchers as the need IS not even validated for them . Whereas More research needs to bé done on a disorder that was only discovered in 1981 . Moreover The orexin system was only identified in 1998,[1] yet it appears intimately implicated in human sleep-wake systems.( Wikipedia)

Is there more traffic on other Forums and social media than reddit?

How could we increase it ?

Thank you awesome people and whether u believe that one day this disoder will have solid meds (melatonine and light are not for most) or not giving science a shot has never been a bad Idea .

PS : regarding the 1% relevance I Saw figures ranging from .13 to 8,9 depending on the criterias and area so 1 % seems to bé thé bare minimum rather than average