What you wish you knew when getting your Dachshund

Hello everyone! I’m a huge dog lover and I am getting my first Dachshund puppy at the end of October, he’s a mini. In fact, this will be the first small breed dog I’ve ever owned. I’ve done lots of research on the breed but I would rather hear direct advice from people who own Dachshunds! So tell me please, what do wish you would’ve known/done differently? Thank you!

Hello everyone! I’m a huge dog lover and I am getting my first Dachshund puppy at the end of October, he’s a mini. In fact, this will be the first small breed dog I’ve ever owned. I’ve done lots of research on the breed but I would rather hear direct advice from people who own Dachshunds! So tell me please, what do wish you would’ve known/done differently? Thank you!