How to recover failed Shadowplay recording? moov atom missing? Recover_mp4 doesn't work.

I was recording some gameplay and ended up crashing due to a mod trying to load too many items in-game, resulting in a memory overload and all my programs crashed. Included was shadowplay, which left me with a 64.6 GB file of a few hours worth of gameplay that I cannot seem to play back now.

I've tried recover_mp4 which didn't work. I then tried that same program on a file that I know works, and it also didn't work. The audio's all glitched out. I've concluded that this software is garbage considering it can't even "rescue" a working video file...

The commands I ran were the following:

recover_mp4.exe "Desktop 2021.04.03 -" result.h264 result.aac --ext    
ffmpeg.exe -r 60.000 -i result.h264 -i result.aac -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -c:v copy -c:a copy result.mp4    

Any help would be appreciated. Figured I'd ask here since someone's bound to have had to recover a video file that has more worth than some gameplay, and I'm hoping said tactics may apply to save my file. I'm not too worked up about whether I can recover it, but if it's at all possible, I'd like to be able to salvage as much of it as I can.