An Access Violation (C0000005h)
Hello, I am trying to play the game after receiving it for free on epic. But this error keeps showing up and the bellow message is displayed. I have turned all graphics settings to their lowest. Is my computer just to bad to run this game?
Thank you and full message/ system info below
Build : dso 206/2742586 17:50 - Thu Aug 04 2022
Internal system error occured.
An Access Violation (C0000005h) has occurred in thread 'SystemFileDevice:0' at instruction location 00007FF67D838975h
Base: 0x00007FF67C0F0000
CallStack : 3606463071
0x0004DDB02E9E ntdll.dll, 0x19BF2E9E
0x000141748975 DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D838975
0x0001417F978E DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8E978E
0x0001417EEA31 DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8DEA31
0x0001417B29DB DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8A29DB
0x0001417DB8ED DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8CB8ED
0x0001417B184E DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8A184E
0x0001417B172F DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8A172F
0x0001417DB7AE DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8CB7AE
0x0001417E0DDD DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8D0DDD
- 0x0001417779B1 DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8679B1
- 0x000141777C31 DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D867C31
- 0x00014184E5AD DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D93E5AD
- 0x0004DC2C26BD KERNEL32.DLL, 0x183B26BD
- 0x0004DDABDFB8 ntdll.dll, 0x19BADFB8
RAX = 70ca03d0 RBX = 70ca03d0 RCX = 1dbff5d8 RDX = 1721f4f8 RSI = 10000000 RDI = 70ca0640
R8 = 1dbff500 R9 = 2042 R10 = a R11 = 1dbff450 R12 = 0 R13 = 0
R14 = 0 R15 = 1 RIP = 7d838975 RSP = 1dbff5b0 RBP = 1dbff700 EFL = 10202
Dx12-ErrorCode : 0x8007000e
Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
DeviceRemovedReason: 0x0
VMEM: Used 3633.42 MB / Budget 3600.48 MB
VMEM: Video 128.00 MB / Shared 4000.53 MB / System 0.00 MB
MEM: Used 7987.19 MB / Total 8001.07 MB
0x7FF67D95166E DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D95166E
0x7FF67D953572 DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D953572
0x7FF67D953876 DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D953876
0x7FFA19BC7B0A ntdll.dll, 0x19BC7B0A
0x7FFA19B6E8C2 ntdll.dll, 0x19B6E8C2
0x7FFA19BF2E9E ntdll.dll, 0x19BF2E9E
0x7FF67D838975 DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D838975
0x7FF67D8E978E DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8E978E
0x7FF67D8DEA31 DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8DEA31
0x7FF67D8A29DB DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8A29DB
- 0x7FF67D8CB8ED DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8CB8ED
- 0x7FF67D8A184E DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8A184E
- 0x7FF67D8A172F DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8A172F
- 0x7FF67D8CB7AE DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8CB7AE
- 0x7FF67D8D0DDD DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8D0DDD
- 0x7FF67D8679B1 DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D8679B1
- 0x7FF67D867C31 DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D867C31
- 0x7FF67D93E5AD DeathStranding.exe, 0x7D93E5AD
- 0x7FFA183B26BD KERNEL32.DLL, 0x183B26BD
- 0x7FFA19BADFB8 ntdll.dll, 0x19BADFB8
System Information
Time of this report: 12/26/2022, 10:09:01
Machine name: DESKTOP-QGPUQH0
Machine Id:
Operating System: Windows 11 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 22621) (22621.ni_release.220506-1250)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
System Model: OptiPlex 3070
BIOS: 1.19.0 (type: UEFI)
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9500 CPU @ 3.00GHz (6 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 8002MB RAM
Page File: 10148MB used, 4252MB available
Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
DirectX Version: DirectX 12
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
User DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
Miracast: Available, with HDCP
Microsoft Graphics Hybrid: Not Supported
DirectX Database Version: 1.4.3
DxDiag Version: 10.00.22621.0001 64bit Unicode