How does creation explain analogous structures?

Homologous structures are often explained under creation by saying that this is because of the common designer. So how are analogous structures explained?

For example, take the tadpole's gills. These gills, along with the surrounding structures and their growth, are near identical in their overall form to that of early amphibious fish like the bichir and lungfish. Yet, they are formed from a completely different structure in such a way that they end up folded into the adult frog's ears and shoulders. If the common gill design was because of a common designer, then shouldn't this common designer have used the common gill design for the tadpole as well?

Another example is lungs: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, labyrinth fish, swamp eels, insects, hermit crabs, woodlice, and arachnids all have completely different methods of breathing air. Why would any competent designer need to make 11 different designs for the exact same thing? And why are these lung types distributed along these class lines? Why does the mouse have the same lungs as the elephant, while similar-sized frogs have a completely different system?

Evolution can explain analogous structures quite easily: Either two different species without a trait were put into the same environment and so both gained by evolving the trait; one species with a certain trait ended up in a scenario where it altered the trait, in a way novel to itself, to be unique from the other species with this trait; or a species lost a trait due to it being useless and costly, but then returned to a scenario where that trait was useful

How does creation with a common designer explain these structures?