God DOESN'T know how to convince you

This often comes up when you ask an atheist what it would take for them to believe in God: "Even though I don't know what would convince me of God's existence; He knows." I argue that, excluding mind control, this is false even if God is all powerful.

Take Richard Dawkins, for example. When asked by Peter Boghossian (another atheist) if he'd be convinced by something as dramatic as Jesus coming back, or having a direct conversation with God, or having the stars spell out his name, he said he’d sooner believe he was hallucinating. The problem should be obvious: he has infinite incredulity toward the God hypothesis. Nothing could convince him he isn’t being tricked by aliens, dreaming, or otherwise deceived. No amount of evidence, experiments, or experiences could convince him.

Even a God with infinite power, who wants to avoid mind control, cannot convince someone who is completely closed off to the idea of God; As that person applies a standard to the God hypothesis that they don't hold for every other belief they have.

So, No. God doesn't know how to convince you: if you are the type of person who'd accept any other explanation but God.

A reasonable person should have some idea of what could move them on any hypothesis, including God, and possibly even how much they have to be moved on the hypothesis before living their life as if it's true.