credits: undyne:luaa乁(¬、¬) Napstablook: from DELTARUNE: DUSK TO DAWN. tenna: form deltarune out with the old. director:RazFraz. mike/radion: by ??? TorieL:luaa乁(¬、¬)
Credtis: alvin boom, from LAMBDARUNE. Bishop: from vc deltarune. Collage: by creepo bot inc(?) Catty:emihead Jockington: hoberalreadytaken
Credits: the knight:Miguelthepainter. Astrochew:hog-ridaaah Pizza pants: from vc deltarune
Credits. The boquette/blossoms:wandering makers. Solis:marineflames Asgore:Tom-edian
Credits: asriel:Reese-Anderson
Credits: papyrus: Spookwave007.