I asked my malpractice insurance about IAN blocks with 4% Septocaine and this was their response

I asked my malpractice insurance about IAN blocks with 4% Septocaine and this was their response:

Your question was of a clinical nature related to the use of Septocaine. As the professional liability insurance carrier, we cannot set the standard of care, and we respect our insured’s autonomy to practice in the way they feel is best. If there was an allegation or claim made, all facts of the case would be taken into consideration and experts would be obtained to provide opinions on the standard of care. You would want to use your clinical judgement to make treatment and medication decisions and do what is in the best interest of the patient. We recommend discussing those types of clinical questions with your colleagues and peers.

So yeah, they gave me a non-response. I guess I was expecting a little more assurance but I guess they really don't want to give official recommendations.

Edit: Just to be clear: I didn't send this to their lawyer. I sent this to their consultant who is an OMFS who specializes in nerve injury