Acknowledging great season, above expectations, but what happened vs Bills?

I’m grateful for the season but the last game was gruelling to watch. Are the Bills really that much better of a team? Our guys looked like they were not prepared to face off with that set of players and coaches.

After the first drive there seemed to be a general inability to do anything, with a few exceptions. Young team, rebuild year, blah blah blah, but in other games this year we’ve seen things like good tackling discipline, interceptions, and efficient drive-killing. I know VJ has his vocal admirers but the last few games it’s like the defense folds on 3rd down like a wet tortilla. Why did it get so hard? I don’t have the stat chops to see what Denver D vs 3rd down looks like compared to other teams, but if anything it looked like the opposing O was prepared for everything we had to offer.

Offense was a bit more clear in its failures: WR butterfinger syndrome and what seemed to be about 3 different run plays repeated ineffectively over and over.

So do we have a Jekyll-n-Hyde DC in VJ? His needle seems to swing very widely between “enviably elite D” and “low hanging 70 burger.”

Likewise SP seems to oscillate between “play to our QB’s strengths” and “the law of averages says this play must eventually work.”

Thoughts? Clarifications?