Habit-tic nail bed/matrix deformed thumb nails? Can they be improved/fixed?

Hello there, I had false nails for many years to hide severe scarring on a pointer finger, but my thumb nail beds were heavily damaged, and have been growing this way for over 10 years, but they are getting harder and have become painful when they break off…

How can this be fixed? Does it require surgery or can they be fixed/improved at all at home? (If surgery is required, what’s the general price point on it? Trying to figure if it’s something affordable.)

I have read that this is caused by habitual picking at the nail cuticle. If I were to completely stop gnawing on my thumb cuticles, would my nails improve? Should I just leave them totally alone for awhile (and if so, for how long?) Or are they just like this now without corrective surgery?

Any information or advice is appreciated and helpful. Thank you