My first Chanel replica: medium cf black caviar w/ silver hardware
Having spent lots of money on real Chanel bags, I've finally come to my senses and got my replica. I got the medium cf black caviar with silver hardware which is the same as one I have (I want to compare the details side by side).
Now that I've got it... I'm never going back to buying real ones.
The seller told me that the leather they use is also from HAAS and pointed out the leather should be able to 'breath', meaning you can see little 'holes' in them, they shouldn't be smooth. I compared it to my real chanel and yes it is exactly that.
Hardware and stitching are perfect too.
The only thing is that my real cf inside is black since I got it a while back in Vegas, it was the old edition. The replica has burgundy color inside for all the newer versions. But man, they are exact copies of each other. I am amazed.
I've gathered all three of my Classic Flaps in Black with Silver hardware. One of them is authentic as mentioned above. One is from a cheaper seller (price in the low hundreds). The other one is this one!!
You can definitely tell the cheaper one (right) is fake. But this one you really can't tell the difference!! So I put my authentic Chanel away in the closet and start using this one everyday. It's less pressure and you don't have to think about taking care of the purse all the time which is nice ;)
Oh and I'm posting the yupoo link here in case anyone wants it:
****Update - one year anniversary****
Reporting back...I'm still in love with it!! I'm not the most careful person in the world, but no wear and tear on this one. I think it's mostly the leather. If I had gotten the lambskin, it'd be a different story (but lambskin is so beautiful).