What features do you wish Destiny has that have become common in other games?

Obv none of this is probably coming to Destiny any time soon… if ever. Especially after that article with the former Bungie dev who commented on Aztecross’s twitter post talking about how player housing had been talked about for a long time but it was never deemed financially worthwhile enough to invest the resources into.

BUT IF! If you could have something added what would you want? Me? I would love for housing myself. It doesn’t even need to be anything as insane as Warframe’s utterly mindboggling clan dojo system (ngl that race track in Cross’ dojo was a work of art). But just a little space that we can decorate and put up trophies and such in. Like the Warframe space ship (the main one you walk around in with your armory and stuff). Could you imagine if completing raids would give you a cool little trophy you could hang up, contest mode giving a modified special one, and World’s first giving a very exclusive looking one? It would be such an awesome flex and create social spaces for players to engage.

Another feature I would love is a DANG FIRING RANGE. Or if you want to REALLY go above and beyond, a speed trial course like in Modern Warfare 2 to help train twitch reflexes for players who are not as experienced. If they wanted to be REALLY awesome, imagine a dummy that starts a timer and records the damage it receives and you get a screen that shows you the damage after the timer runs out. That would make damage testing and theory crafting so much easier vs going to old friend Karl or the giant taken his whose name escapes me. It would also allow veteran players to practice their damage rotation under ideal conditions which would be AMAZING.

What do you guys think? What would you want of anything?