Doris Morgan’s birthday makes no sense
She was born in 1953 and died in 1990 at age 37.
We have a Deb who is clearly old enough to drive in 1981, so she is at least 16 in 1991. So Doris got pregnant 16 years before she died, give or take (have to add 9 months for pregnancy). So she was 21 when she got pregnant.
Did the actress look remotely like a 21 year old in the flashbacks? No.
How old was she when she got pregnant with their son that drowned? She would have had to have been under 18 when she got pregnant.
Harry was clearly already well beyond a beat cop upon getting her pregnant with Deb.
Dexter is 20 in 1991. As an aside…They screwed up child Dexter in the flashbacks by making him much too old (this is clearly no longer an approximate 2 year old who would not remember his mother…or remember his brother existed). A 2 year old does not look or talk like that (see the talk about the dead lizards; a 2 year old cannot remotely talk in the abstract about death).
The timeline got all screwed up by introducing this Harry Jr. and screwing up everyone’s ages in the flashbacks.