Valentin legendary chests

Curious if any min maxer gods have any advice or plan of action with these.

Given they scale each one you open (of the same item, I went with weapon) there for sure is some long game potential.

My hellq is behind (65) so I’m wondering if waiting it out and just holding them until if6 and level 70 hellq would be a way better way to utilize them.

I’ve stopped opening them and have 4 saved up currently with a bunch more to get.

Even holding the very last one seems like it could be a potential god drop if used correctly.

Maybe I am wrong?

What are your thoughts?

Curious if any min maxer gods have any advice or plan of action with these.

Given they scale each one you open (of the same item, I went with weapon) there for sure is some long game potential.

My hellq is behind (65) so I’m wondering if waiting it out and just holding them until if6 and level 70 hellq would be a way better way to utilize them.

I’ve stopped opening them and have 4 saved up currently with a bunch more to get.

Even holding the very last one seems like it could be a potential god drop if used correctly.

Maybe I am wrong?

What are your thoughts?