REMINDER: Abuse Frozen Heart while you can
Frozen Heart is ridiculous at the moment. With its stats alone, it is 128,7% Gold efficient. That is not counting its two passives, which are both extremenly strong as well.
At only 2300 gold, it should be built nearly every single game. Such a massive power spike with a pricepoint of support items. It generates a large amount of survivability versus AD champions not just for yourself but nearby allies too. It even solves any possible mana issues for the rest of the game. I would consider Randuin's over it only if the enemy team has at least 3 fully crit champions.
According to lolalytics, in Emerald+, Frozen Heart has a slighty lower pickrate, but a much higher winrate on Sion compared to Randuin's Omen, Thornmail, and even Hullbreaker. Games are of course all situational, but I would argue that Frozen Heart is better than all 3 of these items in 99% of matches.