The photo taken by Kim

In my playthrough I didn't manage for Kim to take a photo of the Phasmid. While watching others, the photo appeared and... something clicked.

Kim's photo artwork

See, I have this printing of a painting hanging above me right now. It's Konstantin Yuon's New Planet from 1921. It's a prop poster depicting the October Revolution. An event of cosmic scale.

Yuon's painting

It's certainly possible that DE's artists knew this painting. The style is really similar, but it's generally Rostov's style. Harry's reaching out his hand to the Phasmid the same as people are desperately doing so towards a new planet, a new world. They needed the revolution, as Harry needed this light of hope. Maybe after such a downer talk with The Deserter, it's a foreshadowing of another chance of revolting.

Even if you don't buy it at all, here's a cool art. And a narrative worth sticking to, I think.