Non-Face Support Bard ideas/builds/inspiration
We’re going to be starting a new campaign soon and I’m trying to come up with the rest of a character idea. Our group is 6 players and it sounds like at least 4 players will be melee focused. One of the players is playing a swashbuckler rogue and has said they were wanting to focus on filling the “face” role for the group.
It’s a big group and most of the roles are filled, but there are some skills we could use covered and someone playing a support/control based character. I thought a Bard would be a good fit. I was thinking Lore so I could use early magical secrets to cover any gaps in spells. I was loosely thinking of an Indiana Jones type character focusing on on in investigation, history, arcana type skills since thats where we’re lacking.
I’m open to other inspiration though. I’m curious if anyone has any ideas/suggestions for a “non-face” bard?