How would you roleplay a Mute character
Hello everyone!
First of all thank you for answering so nicely to my prior post, was really chill and cool, appreciate it. :)
This morning I woke up and while I was listening to some music I came up with the following idea for a character:
Said character is mute, but was born with kind of a psionic that allows them to listen to the thoughts of those around him directly in his own head, unable to control it and being forced to listen to everything around him, clouding his mind with unwanted information, hence why he wears a device that allows him to "mute" this trait. <- When it comes to roleplay, I don't imagine the character having a "detect thoughts" kind of thing going on all the time, I don't like omnipotent characters with all the information from the get go, I'd leave it out for my DM to see how we could handle that, or just leave it as flavor not granting me any info idk.
While said character isn't wearing the device, it's impossible for them to cast any spell that requires concentration as their mind would be completely overloaded with the thoughts of everyone around him, and of course, as they are mute, they can't cast spells with the verbal component.
That's the idea, but then I realize I'd kind of struggle roleplaying that, as I normally play Bards or high charisma types of characters that tend to be the face of the party, I enjoy RP more than I enjoy combat I'd say, but I like them both. I tried to play a "loner" type of character before and I struggled with it even tho I liked the idea, how would you all roleplay a character like this? Maybe using the feat of telepathy he'd be able to communicate with people around him? Any fancy ideas? Open to listen!
Thank you all in advance, cheers. :)