My DM is a filthy cheater
To clarify, I’ve been playing RPGs for ages—not the tabletop kind, but, like, on videogames and stuff—so I totally know what I’m talking about.
My DM is straight-up cheating at our table. He loves to bring in these NPCs who are “supposed to be part of the story” or some crap, and EVERY TIME he busts out something called “Legendary Actions.” This basically means he gets to do whatever the f*** he wants during 3 of our turns, and then he STILL gets his own turn. HOW IS THAT NOT CHEATING??!
We’re a group of 7 PCs, all level 12, and he has to pull out this BS just to try and make things “challenging.” And get this: “Legendary Resistance.” I had the most epic plan that would’ve crippled this NPC before he even opened his mouth, but nooo, the DM just says, “Oh, he auto-saves because he’s got Legendary Resistance,” and he did it THREE TIMES in the same fight! Like, seriously? Just admit you can’t handle our awesome tactics and move on.
So I called him out for cheating, and this dude starts spewing some crap about “Action Economy.” My guy, there’s no such thing as Action Economy, otherwise Fighters would be unstoppable because they can Action Surge every turn, right? Totally checks out.
Anyway, this is just a rant. I already left that cheater’s table. I don’t have time for DMs who don’t play fair.