Farmers Dog STOPPP
Their advertising is disgusting. Nobody wants to be reminded eventually our best friends are going to die.
I get it, they are trying to help but scare tactics should be criminal.
My friend got a dog from a flea market and they fed it whatever and it lived outside and the dog lived till 18. I’m not recommending this but farmers dog saying your dog will die at age 10 commercial needs to be stopped.
Update: Farmers dog marketing and PR are definitely watching this post because it jumps up with upvotes and then boom those upvotes go down. That is a red flag. Who would downvote a comment on a commercial about telling you your dog is going to die 🤔 Gross company. Eventually they will have this post buried.
Side note: My dog has pancreatitis but I have her on a good food regimen (it’s not farmers dog and I won’t say what I feed her because I’m not here to promote dog food) Just think that this advertising should be illegal. What if I started a baby food company and used these tactics? So unethical.
Update: I will not be commenting or liking posts. I wish everyone well and I hope all your dogs are happy and healthy.🙌🫡❤️ I’m not allowed to.