Progesterone Level - 3ng/mL - 12 hours after rectal admin of 200mg progesterone. Now what?
I was curious, so I paid for this lab, and seeing that if I was on day 21 of a menstrual cycle, I would have ovulated based on that number, I wonder, okay, so what? Should I go retest two hours after the same route of administration and try to see my level at peak? If so, to what end?
I’ve tried progesterone via oral and rectal administration in doses between 200-400mg per day, 400 mg split every twelve hours or at one time at night, and none of the obvious effects are long lasting.
So, what’s a trans femme to do? Am I trying to sustain a certain level, because ovulating females don’t cycle like these capsules do. If I was trying to maintain a level, wouldn’t an implant or patch be better and skip first pass metabolism? If the goal was to spike the number wouldn’t you want a steady pellet supplemented with a bit of rectal progesterone?