DA:V the Game Awards Nomination
I’m genuinely curious if anyone, besides the “game journalists,” are surprised by the lack of nominations for this game? I’m really not surprised, with even other journalists now sort of back peddling on their websites glowing reviews of the game. The only nomination I saw was for Innovation in Accessibility? I can agree there are good accessibility options but not sure what was innovative, if anyone can elaborate on that. It kinda feels like a sympathy nomination..
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a game that had such high praise from journalists almost have no showing in the game awards like this did. If there’s a similar example I would definitely like to know!
I tried posting this in the official r/dragonage but they’re still experiencing “high” amounts of posts so they’re manually deciding what gets posted… Which to me just sounds like they’re filtering out whatever they don’t agree with.
Edit: This post now went live on the official Reddit within minutes after posting it here..