Imma say it, I’m disappointed in Dragons Dogma 2

Been playing dragons dogma since before it was officially released. An ive been hooked ever since. To the point I bought it for every system i have. I dumped so many hours into all my accounts. Made like 24 different accounts all playstation. So naturally i was expecting that thrill that i got from the everfall in this games endgame. So many features and enemies that was in the first game is just not in the second game at all. An the story nothing captivated me with real emotion. I wish the game was better than it is. The Ai is worse than dd1. The pawns don’t listen you tell em to wait they jump in tentacle pool, they go jump off cliff, they run in cave just to stand right in front of Medusa just to get turned to stone, the character is so cumbersome and clumsy. The amount of times i land on a surface just to slip and fall to my death. The super fast autosaves why. I looked everywhere to turn that feature off. About the only thing I love about the game is the mystic spearhand, the bug that helps you carry more loot everytime you collect them and the Dragons Dogma 2 Title. The game had so much potential. ESPECIALLY THE END GAME. God the endgame is so bad and not enticing at all. Honestly they couldve made the endgame much cooler if randomly and continuously the red beam shot down from the sky so you could refight the cool bosses for special rings, armor or permanent upgrades. If you choose to not fight you sacrifice land. They couldve had 5 bosses in rotation randomly for the beams. Also wheres the giant regular enemies. Fun dungeons for example: Double Dragons, ogre & minotaur with spell caster on the outer parts raining stun spells on you, lich and undead dungeon rooms. Imagine if there was a side quest with a character who we had to face eventually and his sole purpose was collecting monsters and somehow we fell into his/her trap and now we have to battle our way out of it (arena style). An then he starts releasing monsters. Monsters he experimented on giving them new abilities and added aggression or agility. Boom thats how hellhounds gets introduced to this world. When you finally face him, he reveals he spiced himself with different monsters genes to gain their abilities. Lastly my honest opinion is DD1 is still slightly better than DD2. An it shouldn’t be that way. I pray the DLC makes the game much better. Sorry for the Rant btw 😭