what does my dream mean??
So, as far as I can remember, my dream starting with my dad giving me a watermelon looking bowl filled with candy. Later, a stranger that looked like Waldo in Where's Waldo gave me a red and white striped bowl with peppermint candies and candy canes. I went back home, and my dad was mad at me for getting that candy, not because it was from a stranger, but because he wanted to put me on a diet. I got angry at him and left to go to a pet store. I don't recall why I went to the pet store without my pet with me, but when I got there it was bigger than it was in real life and there weren't any shelves, and it looked like a clothing shop, because there was a clothing display in the window for humans, but I said it was a pet store. My dog was there, under the dresses in the display. I pet her and fed her candy then left. I checked the app where I can see where my family was. My sister was in Quebec, I didn't care, my dad was on a plane(near antarctic) but it was going in circles, and my mom was on a different plane and I also did not care. So, I left my dog at the shop, and thought I lost her. So I walked farther away from the shop and ended up in the attic of a bookstore. I saw someone, who I didn't know, outside and left the bookstore attic(jumping out of the window) to talk to them. The guy had a friend who was a mix of my friend and a celebrity that I don't remember but she had really red lips. So I talked to him and his friend, and we went to find my dog. We were walking farther away from the pet store and we were on this street that I knew in real life but then it become a street with a bunch of scaffolding and it had a different name. Then, we went farther and ended up where the street was just gone but I did not care. There were two buildings that were kind of green, a cannabis store and I don't remember the others. It looked kind of like the cover of the song "Familiar Drugs" by Alexisonfire. Then the dream ended.