Day one players, did we really play like this?! Share your stories!
As a day one player myself, I find myself fondly reminiscing on the start of it all. We have come a long way, and since I have forgotten a lot of it, and the new players don't know the horrors we endured 🤣, I thought it would be fun to share some of our stories:
I remember back when the rain didn't water the plants, unless they were fully grown within the short little time during the rain. I used to drop everything to farm lettuce, carrots, and wheat, during the rain, because anything that took a little longer, I would just have to re-water anyway. 🤣
On that note, lightning storms were headache inducing for a good minute! 🤣
Let's not forget that absolutely horrid sound and visual that indicated we were out of stamina! 🤣 I mean, it felt like we were playing a horror game! Thank goodness it was only in for a very short time!
Oh, and I knew the character eating times by heart, because if starpath said "feed 6 villagers", it could take a few days because we hardly HAD 6 characters! 🤣
Speaking of, walking into Chez Remy's and it looking entirely different inside SO many times! 🤣
The Donald repetitive tantrum glitch... enough said... 🤦♀️
Remember when we only had green doors?!
Villager houses were rather empty back then. I walked in and would feel sorry for the poor villager because I had so many furniture pieces in my player house and they hardly had half of what I had. 😢
How we would rage at Scrooge for not giving us anything new and that one friend or Redditor always getting everything! 🤣🤣
Running out of coal and having to farm for it because Kristoff had a limited supply... 🫠
How we farmed for the darn glass gazebo because it was the only cool item in the game and we used it EVERYWHERE! 🤣🤣🤣
NOT being able to glide... goodness the slowness of it all... and we played anyway! 🐌
Multiple guides and math on Reddit, debating on the selling values between okra and pumpkins. 🤣
Not being able to reach that darn centre fishing spot in the middle of the Sunlit Plateau pond!! Running around and around, pushing your luck and eventually giving up. 🤷♀️
This one actually hurts.... waiting for the game to become free so your friends can join... and then for them to announce, sike! 🥴
What did I miss? 🤔 Share your struggles or tell us if you shared in some of the above frustrations. I can't believe we actually played like this! 🤣🤣