was what i did even safe?
i took seven (7.5/325)mg hydrocodone/acetaminophen tablets. (52.5/2,275)mg
a 12oz of beer (4.5%abv) ~18oz of smirnoff ice lemonade (4.5%abv) 5oz of wine (12%abv) (a glass of kahlua about 3 hours before i dosed.)
0.3mg of clonidine.
75mg of diphenhydramine
im 5’4 & weigh 114lbs with 0 physical health conditions.
although taking this i did not feel nauseous or sick. i nodded off sometimes and felt some euphoria. i did not feel any other discomfort besides some intense itching and overall enjoyed the experience. after waking up 7.5 hours after dosing i did feel some vertigo, slight itching, and very slightly hungover.
an additional statement to add is that i have some tolerance to alcohol and a minimal tolerance to opiates eg. hydro & oxy.
please guys let me know if you think my health is in serious danger or not, or if i am able to walk away and live another day.