Why is drug use looked down on so much?
I'm not a big drug user, I used MDMA once when I was 14, and then only ever really smoked weed from time to time and once or twice I've done a bit of DMT, but I love drugs and want to do more but drug use seems to be so demonized, why? I understand drug addiction is a real thing I am not ignorant of that, but its like anything, anything can be addictive, sure drugs can be a lot more so but even then drugs in of themselves aren't bad in my honest opinion.
I love drugs because it makes me feel better about life instead of being fucking depressed all the time, but even then I haven't actually got addicted to anything (besides nicotine) and to me, drugs are like video games in a way, they are a form of entertainment, an experience even.
What do you guys think?
(sorry if i'm not making much sense, i am drunk writing this so i might be all over the place lmfao)