I'm a Dublin bus driver, AMA

I see alot of posts here over the last 2/3 days talking about busses. So ask away for a look behind the curtain

Edit: I'm going to close this at 1900 and then I'll work through every unanswered question this evening and tomorrow morning. Thank you all for your wonderful questions and respectful engagement, this went far better and was way more popular than I thought it would be

Again thank you all for your questions and lovely engagement, it was fun.

this is my first AMA on Reddit , so I'm hoping by ending it I still have access to answer all the questions I've not gotten around to yet, but it just stops people submitting more.

if I can't keep answering I'll do one again soon, when I'm sat at the laptop and it isn't so late.

Now remeber, next time you get on a bus it could be me driving ! Thank you all again